Language Portal of Canada

Language Portal of Canada falls under the Canadian Government Language Resources. Apart from providing language resources to most of the Canadians to improve their French and English speaking skills, it also plays an important role the writing skills of these people. Canadians do learn a lot of indigenous languages as well as translation. They also focus on how to excel in their teaching skills.

Association of Accrediting Agencies of Canada

Since its inception in 1994, AAAC is a national network of recognized professional accrediting bodies since its inception in 199. AAAC aims at advancement in knowledge, good practices of their accreditators and believes in empowering them to secure excellence in the accreditation. TESOL Canada with its high standards as well as verification process is a valuable accredited member of AAAC.

Ontario Council for International Cooperation

Canada Ministry of Foreign Affairs sponsors OCIC. Various global development institutions which are based out at Ontario form this community. They mainly aim at global education along with individual associates working globally towards human dignity as well as social justice .

Québec Employment Commission

"Commission des Partenaires du marché du travail du Québec" is the training department of the Ministry of Employment Québec. TESOL Canada is approved by them to enlighten and educate teachers , translators, trainers as well as language learners in TESOL, TFSOL, TSSOL, ESL and French language

IATEFL Association

IATEFL with a thriving number of 4000 members , is one of the flourishing communities of ELT teachers across the globe. Their programs include Teachers Associations, Annual Conventions, Journals, Special Interest Groups and Scholarships. It does not provide any kind of accreditation. TESOL Canada is one of the most active Associate member of IATEFL.

International Council Of Education

ICDE is partnered with UNESCO in Education having more than 150 Institutional members. It is supported by the Norwegian Ministry of Education. It also represents European Union Education at an international scale. ICDE's Permanent Secretariat is based out in Oslo and Norway has hosted it since 1988. TESOL Canada is an institutional member of the ICDE.

TESOL USA - California

TESOL USA aims at advanced and latest LMS methods to be implemented in online TESOL as well as ESL education abroad and in USA. Sponsored by the Universal American University based in California, TESOL USA is focused on educating the learners with technological and pedagogical skills.

Canadian Association of Second Language Teachers

CASLT was established in 1970. It was initially a small team of dedicated volunteers to support second language teachers but with time it has grown as a multi-level organization. "Second Languages" focus both on international and official languages. TESOL Canada stands as an active associate member of the CASLT

USDLA- United States Distance Learning Association

The USDLA based in USA was the first to be a non profit organization aimed at supporting distance study in research and development in the field of education, communication and training. TESOL Canada currently being a non profit organization is a lifetime member of the USDLA.


TESOL as well as TFSOL education in Montreal is under the supervision of TFSOL and TESOL Quebec. The French and English instructors in Canada are certified by TESOL and TFSOL (DELFI) which provides quality education as well as accreditation to them to teach as certified language teachers in and around Canada.

British Columbia Teachers of English As An Additional Language

Since its inception in 1967, BC TEAL, as an organization, consists of dedicated educators who contribute to the continuous development and advancement of the English language teachers. TESOL Canada is one of the most active Supporting Institutions of BCTEAL.

American TESOL Affiliates

The Eastern & Western TESOL USA affiliates consists of TESOL New York & TESOL Los Angeles respectively . Currently, USA , South and Central America are served by TESOL USA. It provides TSSOL (Spanish) and TESOL teacher training courses across the continent in an online mode of learning. UAMU suppots TESOL Canada

TESOL Canada has MOU agreements with EMA & LanguageCert U.K. as well as TESOL Thailand & TESOL Greece. It is a supporting member of BCTESOL & BCTF Teachers Federation.

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